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Writer's pictureAtlas Fae

National Writers Month

It's November and your favorite friendly neighborhood author is participating in NaNoWirMo! (logo pictured below) You too can join the official NaNoWriMo challenge and write 50,000 words in November. You've got a story—now is the time to tell it! Every November thousands of authors take up the challenge and this year so is Atlas Fae. "I'm using November 2023 to help me get a jump start on book two of my series. I think it's a fun way to hold yourself accountable to getting the writing done. I'm putting in the work." Says the author. "I wrote my first book in a similar fashion... although that was in September of 2022-I guess I should've waited for November. Oh well, I think it counts."

There are all sorts of events in the Oklahoma City area for National Writers month. November will see several 'Write ins' where authors get together at bookshops, libraries, and coffee houses to get their word count for the day done. Some writers even help cheer each other on and keep each other focused.

"It's a very welcoming community, with friendly faces who just want to see success amongst their peers." The author also claims participating in the event is a welcome distraction from checking her email inbox on the regular. She says it's tough waiting in the 'query trenches' for an editor, agent, or publisher to get back to you. She feels fueled by the few who at the very least have emailed a confirmation of receipt of materials. Stating "it's nice to know that they at least got it and will look it over eventually instead of the usual automated responses." She wouldn't share who she's querying in the name of professionalism but with any luck we'll see the young author agented and on the shelves in the near future.

Happy writing!


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